I live in one of two downstairs apartments in a lovely home near Soufriere's center, a short walk from my workplace, the grocery store, the gym and the post office (the four places I most frequently go.) Above and behind me lives the Gilbert family which includes a cute little girl whose favorite hobby is peeking into my windows every chance she gets. This is something every Peace Corps Volunteer on the planet is told to expect.
The senior Gilberts are my friendly landlords (their daughter's family being the younger branch of the family tree, living to the back of my part of the house.) They are wonderful - they sweep the water from my porch after a rain and take my garbage to the street on Mondays and Thursdays. Sometimes Mrs. Gilbert (the "Miss Lucy" mentioned in a previous post. I call her both.) brings me pumpkin bread. I have more than once been grateful to have my home's proprietors living just a few steps away (specifically when I flooded the kitchen, broke the bathroom light, messed up the cable wire and locked myself out. Twice. Clearly I have never lived alone before.)
I have one of the nicest bathrooms of all St. Lucia volunteers (and we compare, trust me) but I only shower directly after exercising so the freezing water is bearable. A day without a workout means a day without a shower, with offensively few exceptions.
My favorite part of my house is the brand new entertainment center I made myself with a little help from a random guy with a saw (to cut the wood) and a random guy with a wheelbarrow (to tote the blocks.) This area is called the "Media Center" because it houses my television, books and guitar.
The "Media Center" is not to be confused with the "Technology Station," which is an upside-down toaster-oven box where I keep my cell phone, ipod and camera battery chargers.
I love seeing where you are. I also enjoyed your recs for other blogs.ILY
The decorations are priceless, especially the little lacey doily on the TV.
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